Everyone is invited to join us at the Shop at 66 as we welcome our Paint the Town artist to downtown Monroeville. The Shop at 66 will serve as a shared space for the Paint Out and the Monoreville Literary Festival. Artists participating in the 2025 Paint the Town event will bring samples of their work which will be on display during Paint Out and Monroeville Literary Festival.
Thursday, Febuary 27th from 4:30 PM to 6 PM
The Shop at 66: 66 South Mount Pleasant Avenue
Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Sample works will be on sale throughout the Paint Out and Festival. Works created during the Paint Out will be on display as they are completed but will not be available for sale unitl the Wet Paint Sale on Saturday afternoon.
All paint out events are a project of Monroeville Main Street.Office #251-575-1457 Email: monroevillemainstreet@gmail.com