Monroeville, Ala. – Monroeville Main Street is excited to announce, in partnership with Main Street Alabama, an initiative to evaluate and enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem for small scale producers. 

"When we say small scale producers, we are talking about anyone that is making and selling a product,” explains Anne Marie Bryan, Monroeville Main Street Executive Director. "We want to offer the resources and environment for these producers to be successful in downtown Monroeville."

Small-scale production is defined as "the production of a commodity with a small plant size firm. It requires less capital and space. These businesses typically produce non-standardized products, which are highly customized or value-added." Examples of small-scale producers are bakeries, coffee roasters, breweries and distillers, soap makers, artisans, etc. 

The service provided by Main Street Alabama is modeled after a Main Street America toolkit to help Main Street programs to help the community build an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

“While most people in your community may not be aware of the concept of ecosystem building, the reality is that your community already has one. However, there are ways to make it function in a way that is conducive to supporting entrepreneurs,” says Mary Helmer Wirth, Main Street Alabama State Coordinator.

Successful Entrepreneurial Ecosystems depend on cross-sector partnerships and collaboration. Main Street programs are in a prime position to convene key partners to assess gaps and opportunities within the local ecosystem. This service is designed to:

  1. Outline a support system that identifies areas of strengths and needs for supporting this market,
  2. Identify opportunities for launching and growing the target market,
  3. Align on key targets and pipelines for this market,
  4. Identify place-based and/or programmatic projects designed to support and grow the target market.

Monroeville Main Street will be reaching out to small-scale producers to participate in an anonymous survey to help identify and assess needs. Small-scale producers can find the survey at

For more information, contact:

Anne Marie Bryan, Director

Office 251.575.1457

Mobile 251.362.0433
